Here’s Why You Should Knock on Your Car’s Hood Before Starting it in KY & IN
Now that the weather has taken a major turn, I am having to really psych myself up in the morning to go to work. Leaving my cozy bed to step on the hardwood floor, and walking out of my cozy house into the frigid teen temps are both challenges in the winter. I am not ready!
It probably wouldn't be so bad if I took the time to go out and warm my car up in the driveway, but I never do. I'm always barrelling out of the house to get to where I'm going as soon as possible. During the week, that's at 5:00 in the morning before the sun is even awake.
Even if you're like me and don't give yourself wiggle room for extra morning tasks, there is one thing you should do that is very easy and could save a life. Knock on the hood of your vehicle a few times before getting in.
Local realtor Sam Ray is a huge animal advocate, and she posted something that happened to her last week on social media. On Hwy 144, Sam and another gentleman saw a tiny orange tabby kitten running on the highway. "I didn’t see where it came from. He said it fell out from underneath a car’s front end going down the road. He thinks there was something else that fell out too," she shared.
They weren't able to find the kitten, but it would be a miracle if it walked away unharmed. Cats do have those nine lives though! Still, you don't want to risk a little kitty getting hurt on your way to work if you can help it.
When the weather turns cold, cats will crawl up into cars to keep warm and fall asleep. Knocking on the hood of your vehicle before you start it, will wake a sleeping cat up and scare it out of its hiding place so you can drive away safely.
LOOK: Can you tell the difference between these common pets?
Gallery Credit: Stephen Lenz