Obbie Todd and Sam Rutland visited the WBKR Waking Crew show earlier this week and told us about the big Special Olympics event scheduled for tomorrow at Apollo.

It's a Special Olympics weightlifting competition that starts at 9:30 a.m. tomorrow morning. The school is located at 2280 Tamarack Road.

 Obbie Todd, a health and physical education instructor at Apollo, is coordinating this event for his 25th year. After years of putting his heart and soul into making this an amazing experience for the athletes and their families, he is the best-qualified individual to describe this truly “special event,” so here it is in his words:

“Special Olympic weightlifting keeps getting bigger and bigger. What’s so unique about this event is that Kentucky doesn’t even have weightlifting at their Special Olympic state competition, yet we still do it and Apollo’s gym will be packed just because people care. We’ll have old and new lifters coming in, showing the crowd what they can accomplish. Some will just lift the 45-pound bar, while others are as strong as anyone on any sport team at Apollo. We’ll have 40-year-olds, lifting with a 10-year-old.  There isn’t a book or a movie that’s more emotional or beneficial than what you’ll see at the weightlifting. Ok, maybe the Bible, but besides the Bible, you won’t find it.

For more information, contact Obbie Todd at (270) 852-7100 or obbie.todd@daviess.kyschools.us

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