Pop quiz: What's the official state motto of Kentucky? Answer: "United we stand, divided we fall." What's the official state bird? That would be the northern cardinal.

When I was in grade school, I really thought that was about it for EVERY state. They had an official motto and an official bird and that was it. Of course, that WASN'T and ISN'T it. There are other official Kentucky state symbols, and I'm here to help you prepare for the NEXT pop quiz. (Get a piece of paper and cover up the answers. See how many you get right.)

Kentucky State Fish

Although four species of black bass swim Kentucky waters, it was the spotted bass that got the nod in 1956.

Kentucky State Mammal

I've always been fascinated by squirrels. How cool would it be to spend your entire day and never have to touch the ground. Yes, I'm sure most squirrels make contact with Mother Earth pretty frequently, but the idea that they don't HAVE to is what I like about them. From power lines to tree limbs to rooftops. What a life. BONUS: the grey squirrel has an excellent memory; you'll never hear one of THEM saying, "Now where did I put those nuts?" PRO TIP: Keep them away from your GoPro.

Kentucky State Agricultural Insect/Kentucky State Butterfly

It looks like Frankfort broke another category down into two parts. Some sources will name the viceroy butterfly as the state insect; here it is the official state butterfly...VERY specific. The state's agricultural insect is also a good one, and it makes sense...the honeybee.

Kentucky State Flower

Our state flower is nothing to sneeze at, except that it does make a lot of people sneeze. Interestingly, as sensitive as I am to summertime allergens, goldenrod never bothers me. And actually, it possesses health benefits:

Kentucky State Tree

This one kind of surprised me, but then I saw it and realized I've seen plenty of these. I just didn't know they were called tulip poplars.

Kentucky State Song

There are actually two: "My Old Kentucky Home" and "Blue Moon of Kentucky." The latter is a nod to Kentucky's rich bluegrass history.

Kentucky State Dance

Clogging is really interesting to me. When I see cloggers, it always looks like their feet are moving independently of the rest of their body...almost like they're ATTACHMENTS.

Kentucky State Drink

Did you think it was the mint julep like I thought it was the mint julep? We're both wrong. It's milk. Yep, milk. Wah waaaaah.

Kentucky State Fruit

I didn't guess this one, but when I learned that it was the blackberry, I wasn't surprised. I see signs for them on roadside produce stands all across Kentucky. Plus, I don't know anyone who lives in the Commonwealth who doesn't love blackberry cobbler, yours truly included.

Kentucky State Tug-of-War Championship

No, in a million years, I wouldn't have guessed this would have its own category, but I love that it does. Three cheers for the Fordsville Tug-of-War Championship.


So, let's see, after a good tug-of-war workout, I think I'll have some blackberry cobbler topped with ice cream made from Kentucky milk. Then I'll do a little clogging to "Blue Moon of Kentucky". There...I think I've covered about half the list.

LOOK: Where people in Kentucky are moving to most

Stacker compiled a list of states where people from Kentucky are moving to the most using data from the U.S. Census Bureau.

Gallery Credit: Stacker

LOOK: States sending the most people to Kentucky

Stacker compiled a list of states where the most people are moving to Kentucky using data from the Census Bureau.

Gallery Credit: Stacker

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