I was three years old when I saw one for the first time, so I don't remember. But I've been told I pressed my face against the car window and stared and indicated my desire to have one. That desire has yet to wane.

Now, I've always been very specific. I'd like it to be green with a black racing stripe. But now I don't care what the color is. I don't even care about the black racing stripe. Wait a minute, yeah I do.


Sicnag/Flickr Creative Commons
Sicnag/Flickr Creative Commons


Okay, the racing stripe can be white.

As long as the Chevy is a Camaro and the year is 1969. I don't know how I'm gettin' it in the bag, but my "treat" today is a 1969 Chevy Camaro. And if you know it and you've registered HERE, you could win tickets to Happy Halloween Weekends and Holiday World!

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