DCHS Class of 2000 Postpones Class Reunion
Twenty years ago this month, I was surrounded by the magic of preparing myself to take the leap from childhood to adulthood. Well, pseudo-adulthood. You aren't really an adult until you start paying insurance bills. But 20 years ago, I was mapping out the path I thought I'd be taking in college. I was trying to find just the right Pantene ad to use as a template for my spectacular prom hair. I was spending hours picking just the right shoes to wear to graduation that were just the right mix of chunky and spindly - and that were just the right ratio of comfortable enough to wear for an entire day but uncomfortable enough to be socially acceptable - that were shimmery, peep toe, and just tall enough to make my ankles look thin but just short enough to keep me from looking like the BFG next to everyone else on stage.
I was born in 1982 which made me the original Millennial - DCHS Class of 2000.
There's something quite special about the rights of passage you experience in those last few months before making your way into the world. They all hold a special place in my heart - which is why I'm heartbroken for the Class of 2020.
I had so many great memories from high school. I'll go ahead and admit it - I was a big nerd. Big, big, BIG nerd. I was more of a hang out at Books-a-Million studying Statistics with friends (hey Ms. Wetzel!) than a getting drunk and passing out kind of gal. And I'm beyond thankful that I had a pretty extensive group of friends who were just as nerdy as I was. I've remained close with a few people from my graduating class and keep up with births, job exchanges, marriages, and other life milestones with others via Facebook. But, every decade or so, the DCHS Class of 2000 convene on the banks of the Ohio to celebrate the milestones and grieve the losses in person. We were all set to rent convertible Jags and practice our best "I invented Post-Its" speeches for the DCHS Class of 2000 reunion this July at the Owensboro Convention Center. But as luck would have it, it was announced that all my classmates officially will have extra time to lose those last 15 pounds.
Class President Katie Atherton posted in the Daviess County High School Class of 2000 Reunion Facebook group that the reunion has been postponed to a later date:
Hello Class of 2000! Just wanted to give you all an update. At this time we will NOT be allowed to host our reunion on July 25. We are working with the Convention Center on finding a new date. Once that is determined, I will let you know. Hope you all are staying safe and healthy! ❤️❤️❤️ Go Panthers!
Indeed - go Panthers! We will all meet again in a long journey to the middle. In the meantime, watch a few old Nineties teen angst movies, jam out to some classic tunes, thumb through the yearbooks that are collecting dust, post some old pictures in the group, and reminisce a little when you listen to our class song which is probably more relevant now than ever.