DCPS/OPS Announces Plan To Return Students To In-Person Learning
The Daviess County Public Schools & Owensboro Public Schools have announced the re-entry plan. The plan will be voted on this week and here is what we know.
Both DCPS and OPS will have a joint press conference to unveil plans for a return to in-person learning.
Both OPS & DCPS Students have been on an A/B learning schedule since the beginning of the 2020-2021 school year. The plan for DCPS recommends that students will return to in-person learning on Monday, March 22. This plan MUST be passed by both boards in order for students to return.
DCPS families will receive an email on Friday, February 26, allowing them to choose virtual or in-person learning five days a week. Those students who have been on virtual with have the option to return to full-time learning in the classroom but those requests have to be received by the board of education no later than Monday, March 8. OPS families will have until Friday, March 12, to make their decision and submit.
Preschool students will remain on the same schedule they have been following because there is a shortage of bus drivers throughout the district.
Both school systems will continue to follow Kentucky's Healthy At School Guidelines;
While returning to full, in-person learning, Daviess County/Owensboro Public Schools will continue to follow Kentucky’s HealthyatSchool Guidelines:
●Parents will daily pre-screen their children at home for Covid-related symptoms
●COVID-19 screening procedures will continue, with temperature checks being implemented within the first hour of the school day
●Masks will continue to be required in school buildings at all times (except when eating/drinking)
●Social distancing will continue to the greatest extent possible
●Breakfast/lunch periods also maintain social distancing to the greatest extent possible and may include meals eaten in alternative spaces
●Bus riders will maintain social distancing to the greatest extent possible, with children from the same household sitting together
●Cleaning and sanitizing of desks and shared surfaces will continue throughout the school day, with deep cleaning and disinfecting of buildings each night
●Frequent hand washing will continue to be emphasized throughout the day
●Hand sanitizer will remain available throughout the day
●Seating charts and rosters (buses, classrooms, and mealtimes) will be maintained to assist with contact tracing if necessary
●Schools will remain closed to visitors
●There will be no large assemblies, field trips, etc. until further notice
Superintendent Robbins will share the plans for return with the School Board on Thursday, February 25. If you would like to watch the meeting you can head to the DCPS YouTube channel.
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