Ever Thought of Keeping Hornets Away with a Crocheted Nest?
With "murder hornets" in the news, interest in hornets may have increased. (Who thought I'd ever write THAT sentence?)
But whether or not they are actually "murder hornets," nobody wants hornets of any kind flying around the porch or the window or ANYWHERE we are.
A woman in Maine has solved her hornet problem. In fact, she did it a while back.
Sandy Kendall Dennis has a crocheted hornet's nest on her porch and hasn't seen the unwelcome pests in four years.
And kudos to Sandy. All she did was study up on how territorial hornets are and deduced that this might work. And it did.
Lots of folks have been working on craft projects during #HealthyAtHome. Here's one with a great benefit that should far outlast the pandemic.

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