Five-Year-Old Kentucky Girl Owns a Candy Store
How many of you had a lemonade stand when you were a kid? Or maybe it was a Kool-Aid stand? Or Wyler's? Remember Wyler's, the OTHER powdered soft drink brand?
I had a Kool-Aid stand out front during the summer months, sometimes, AND when Mom would have yard/garage sales. (Truth be told, that didn't happen very often.)
I guess we all got a little taste of operating a business at any number of bake sales held to raise money for whatever event our high school organizations were holding. And, of course, who DIDN'T sell World's Finest Chocolate?

Well, Addison King of Louisville, who is all of five years old, is officially a business owner. And no, we're not talking lemonade and Rice Krispy treats. Her store is called Addison's Treat Shop and she runs it, with the assistance of her parents, of course.
In fact, I spoke with her mother Selena, and she told me they are restaurant owners, so the entrepreneurial gene runs thick in the King family. And, in fact, it was watching her parents run those restaurants that created the spark in Addison.
The Addison's Treat Shop Facebook page is a lot of fun and is loaded with images of her merchandise, which includes unique items in addition to classic and contemporary candies that we all love. Fans can also follow Addison and company on the shop's Instagram page.
Addison and her family are also quite proud of their selection of flavored popcorns, which look absolutely amazing.
And without even knowing her, I'm proud of Addison. What a bright young lady she is and just imagine where she's going if she's already running a business at FIVE YEARS OLD.
When I was five, I owned Hot Wheels.
KEEP READIN: 12 Hilarious Names Tristate Kids Gave Ordinary Things
[SOURCE: WLKY-Louisville]
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