Some of this required research, while other components of the "study" required only my memory of past events. One item on the list, in particular, involved visiting my relatives in New Mexico when I was a child.

I'm not exactly sure what to call the New Mexico dialect, but I think I can describe it. For those of us in the South, it kind of sounds like a mash-up of a northern accent and a Hispanic accent. And since my cousins are just a few hundred miles away from the Mexican border, that makes perfect sense. Bottom line: They do NOT have a Southern accent of any kind.

The Kentucky Accent

Sometimes I do have a southern accent (a Kentucky twang), but sometimes I don't, and that always surprises them when they see me. Back in the day, they always equated our accents with Texas accents, and that couldn't be further from accurate.

I believe most folks have dispelled the myth that all of us Kentuckians walk around in our bare feet. I mean, for one thing, that's ridiculous. But I know where it comes from because Kentucky used to hold a reputation for being full of "hillbillies." Again, I feel like that ship has sailed, as well.

What Some People Might Not Believe About Kentucky

But still, some things happen in Kentucky, that we do in Kentucky, and that are manufactured in Kentucky that might be hard for people to believe BASED on what they think they know about the Commonwealth.

In addition to how we talk, check out 10 other entries on a list of what some folks might not believe about Kentucky.

11 Things Some Might Find Hard to Believe About KY

Gallery Credit: Dave Spencer

I Bet You Didn't Know All These Celebrities Were Kentucky Colonels

Gallery Credit: Dave Spencer

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