Houses I Love To Drive Past In Owensboro (PHOTOS)
Growing up I always loved when my mom and I would go fIor a drive and look at homes and their decorated yards. Now I do the same with my own children. Here are a few of our favorites!I think you'll find that some of these are your favorites too.
We love driving down Tamarack Road and looking at the Dinosaurs in this front yard. Every single time Tucker yells out "Look momma Dinos!"
During any holiday you can always find these lions located on Griffith Avenue in full costume! I think my favorite is when they dress up as Easter Bunnies!!!! They have a better wardrobe than some people I know.
I love seeing this house every single time I make a Walgreen's run. They always have different yard ornaments and their house is even decorated. I swear I find a new piece each time I look!
Probably a personal favorite of mine. I think everyone in Owensboro has drove by this house at least once and thought "is that a real horse in the front year?" I visited withe owner Dr. Barnes who is one of the founders of Kentuckiana Animal Hospital here in Owensboro. Which explained to me why he had so many cool yard ornaments. His son even told me that he made the motor that makes the horse's tail in the front yard move back and forth!
This last house is brand new to me on the list. They just recently placed these Alligators in their front yard. I noticed the statues driving out Hwy 60 west. There are even more large statues in the yard up the drive along with a large walking trail that surrounds the home.
What are some of your favorite homes to drive by? Do you have fun traditions like this with your family? Show us some pictures of fun houses you've seen!