How to Find Your Old Missing Yearbooks
If I always kept all of my high school yearbooks together, why do I now only have just one?
I mean, it's my senior yearbook, so I guess that's the main one, but I'd like to have the other three and have NO idea what in the world became of them. Someone will mention the name of someone who graduated ahead of me and I'll have to trudge down to the library and look up the names in the Kentucky Room.
By the way, the Daviess County Public Library has a TON of old yearbooks. Digital Manager Ashley and I learned that a few years ago.
But anyway, back to my search for three yearbooks and the fact that it completely escapes me where they might be.
Turns out, that doesn't matter.
I found a website that has seemingly tracked down all the OTHER websites where you too might be able to find an old missing yearbook and enjoy a little walk down memory lane.
It's called The Ancestor Hunt and it is loaded.
It really is just a list of links to all the sites where you might be able to find that stray yearbook and it lets you know how to start your search.
Now, I have used Ancestry.com before, but I didn't know about its yearbook function. And, of course, there's the big one--Classmates. com--which contains over 350,000 yearbooks and the availability of purchasing reprints.
Plus, The Ancestor Hunt lists several websites I've never even heard of, so I'm BOUND to strike gold.
I love this and cannot wait to get in there and start looking. I hear names all the time and I'm like, "That is so familiar; I know I went to high school with him/her, but I'd need to see a picture."
Well, thanks to The Ancestor Hunt (sounds like a great reality series title), I can stop wondering.

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