Kentucky May Start Making You Pay for That Second Handicap Placard Again
As someone with a mother who uses those handicap parking placards that around rear-view mirrors, it's nice that she can get them gratis. She's on a fixed income and it's nice.
I'm sure EVERYONE who needs one feels the same way.
While your FIRST one is still free of charge, there may come a time in the near future when that second one no longer will be.
WDRB/Louisville reports on a proposed bill that would force that payment back into reality.
And it WOULD only cost $10, but that's 10 more than it is now.
And, honestly, it's not a hardship in my mom's case, but that's one person.
What I found so surprising in this report was what happened when Kentucky dropped that second-placard fee nine years ago.
Issuances of the signs jumped from 32,000 in 2008 to more than 200,000 in 2009.
It's only human to wonder how many of THOSE were actually needed.
Anyway, the bill is in "proposal" phase and we'll have to wait and see what happens.
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