Kentucky Transportation Cabinet Warning Drivers About Deer
I've been seeing an increasing number of dead animals on the sides of roads these last couple of weeks. Coyotes, skunks, raccoons, foxes. And one deer.
But there will be more. Many more.
Over the next few months, deer will become much more active. You'll start to see them with greater frequency.
Sometimes it almost LOOKS like they know they're staring at a highway and it could get them killed. But they'll go ahead and cross it anyway.
When I come back from Muhlenberg County on 431, I usually see one on this big patch of land just before I get to the Kentucky Utilities entrance.
And I always say to myself, "Just stay there. Just...stay...there."
According to a WBKO/Bowling Green report, the KYTC warns that October, November, and December are the absolute busiest times for deer on the move.
And, as you might expect, the twilight hours are the worst.
They also provide this alarming statistic...Kentucky is the 15th worst state for vehicular accidents involving deer.
There were 3,200 such collisions in 2017 alone. 2016 wasn't much better with 3,100 crashes.
Be on the lookout and drive safely. And if you see those deer crossing signs (and, really, even if you don't when you're in the country), just slow down.
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