Livermore Hosting Lighted Christmas Parade This Weekend
Angel Here! Christmas Parades are one of my favorite parts of the holiday season. This weekend Livermore Lions Club is sponosoring its' annual Light Christmas Parade and you're invited.
The Lighted Christmas Parade has been around since 1989. This event is totally free and if you want to enter a float there is no registration fee.
The only requirement is that the entry be lighted. The floats are judged, and monetary prizes will be awarded to 1st through 4th place winners. The open category of lighted entries, including golf carts, will also have monetary prizes awarded for 1st through 3rd place winners. Parade participants need to assemble at 4:00 pm Saturday, December 8, in the Livermore Elementary School parking lot off of Main Street, and the parade kicks off at 5:00 pm.
At the conclusion of the parade there will be chili available at the Livermore Baptist Church Fellowship Hall and all donations go to Missions Program.
It is so much fun to visit local towns and watch their parade.