Need To Purge Old Files & Personal Mail? Here’s How To Prevent Identity Theft
If you're like everyone else you've probably have way too much stuff including files and old mail. We found the perfect place for you to safely purge all your personal items.
We have so much mail that piles up over the course of a few months without us even knowing and then we are stuck with trying to figure out what to do with it. Some of the items can be thrown in the trash but other items are old checks, bank statements, bills with account numbers attached, and addresses on them. We don't necessarily want those items put out on the curb for the world to rummage through. I think this is pretty common among most people.

This provides a place to keep your confidential or personal information secure and safe. Shred your check stubs, paid utility bills, tax forms, bank statements, or anything that includes information about you and your family. Daviess County residents, businesses, and institutions will have the chance to dispose of these items during a Shred Event hosted by the Daviess County Fiscal Court and the City of Owensboro. The Shred Event will be held on Friday, April 1st, 2022 at the Owensboro Sportscenter from 10 AM until 1 PM.
The only stipulation is you can only shred up to 100 pounds of paper per individual. The event is open to businesses and individuals. Spring is a great time to open the windows and start getting rid of old papers you don't need around the house.
For questions, contact the Daviess County Solid Waste Department at 270-229-4484.
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