Owensboro Cat Thinks He’s A Person FOR REAL! (VIDEO)
Let's be honest you're either a cat person or you're not. Cats are fickle and funny but we found an Owensboro cat who thinks he's a person. We think you'll love him.
Y'all meet Mister. He belongs to our friend, Jenny Hutchins, owner of Come Hither here in Owensboro.
Scrolling through Facebook the other day I stopped to gaze at a video Jenny had posted of Mister and I had to know more. Here's what Jenny told me about him:
Mister is a rescue, just turned 4 years old! He is a confirmed Russian Blue mix. He's very much a cat...but will follow commands as a dog would, extremely smart and he watches and learns from everything we do! He has an extreme bond with me and is very social with other animals of all types and even though he gets into mischief ALOT, we can't imagine him not being a part of our little family! He doesn't mind playing, "dress up" from costumes to my house shoes. Loves, loves car rides and walking on his leash! He likes watching me put makeup on every morning...even enjoys me putting a little on him! He will mimic many things I'm doing...yoga for example. Or wrapping presents.
Jenny says that Mister is a very loving kitty. He has no issue posing for photos at any given moment and loves to entertain.
He gets into a lot of mischief when it comes to the washer and dryer because he enjoys hopping on in and sometimes he shuts himself in and they have to rescue him.