Shelly Hammons Competing in Ironman World Championship
Shelly Hammons, with the Daviess County Public Schools district, is in South Africa preparing to compete in the Ironman World Championship. We wish Shelly the best of luck!
The race begins September 1st, 2018 in Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa, and will involve swimming 1.9 km; bicycling 90.1 km; and running 21.3 km.
Can you imagine how grueling this must be? Shelly has been preparing by swimming, riding and running three days a week, with strength-training five days a week and daily physical therapy exercises. I'd say she's ready to slay it!
Although it may seem strange to some people for an athlete to travel so far for a competition, Hammons said, “It’s the World Championship for the 70.3 distance; you go where it is.”
To qualify for participation or receive an invitation to compete in the World Championship, Hammons said an athlete must either qualify in another Ironman 70.3 race or have one of the fastest times in the world.
The entire family is into fitness and competition. Hammons added, “My husband and I always say, ‘The only thing that really matters during any given race is to do your best with what the day gives you and have fun.’”
As the coordinator of federal programs, Hammons oversees Title I, Title II and Migrant education, and works with the implementation of Next Generation Science Standards for the DCPS district.
We all wish you the best!!!