No matter how many times we're told to put down our phones while driving, sometimes it's just hard to avoid if there's an important text or phone call coming through.
Admit it, even though you swear you never touch your phone while you are driving, you'd be fibbing a bit. Sure there are laws around the country that fine texting while driving, but South Carolina is trying to make sure their drivers NEVER touch their phones again.
I just got a call from a number that is similar to mine, it had the same prefix. A call like that is from someone "spoofing" your number. It's just one of the many scam calls we all get that will regrettably increase next year.
The idea of a kid under 18 having a cell phone always surprises me, but in the world we live in, it's probably a good thing for a teen to have on hand. However, nervous parents who are always waiting around for a reply text will have a new app to try out.
Confession time; I didn't until recently activate the "Do Not Disturb" while driving function on my iPhone. It even works if I'm not the one driving. It's that good. I'm confessing all this because April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month.