I've never seen anything quite like this, so I understand why an Illinois man got the scare of his life when he suddenly saw something unexpected in a vault in an Illinois cemetery.
This haunted legend involves a small town, a murderous teacher, and mysterious disappearances that went on for decades. Some who have entered the schoolhouse, have never been seen or heard from again. Here is what I learned about the legend of Elsewhere, KY.
Okay, I've shared with you before that I lived in at least two supposedly haunted dorms at WKU, McLean Hall and Florence-Schneider Hall. Yes, the faucet in my suite bathroom would randomly be running and the windows would be raised by themselves. Now's your chance to check out all the legends and ghosts at Western.
You must watch this. I was tipped off to this video by Jeremy Hinton, one of the founders of the South West Paranormal Society here in Western Kentucky. In addition to conducting routine investigations on haunted properties here in the tristate, Jeremy is always on the prowl for exciting footage from other investigators. And he may be onto something with this footage. It's allegedly surveillan
Last week, I posted video of the hysterical Carrie-inspired prank at a New York City coffee shop. In that video, a young college girl became enraged that someone spilled coffee on her laptop and she went all Sissy Spacek on him, made him fly across the room and up a wall. Needless to say, people freaked out. But THIS is worse. Watch this Brazilian video in which people are pranked inside an el