Take a Look at Eight Creepy Abandoned Places in Kentucky…Well, Nine
Yeah, I gotta say "nine" because of the attached photo of Miller Lake, a summertime Daviess County hotspot many, many years ago.
But I covered that now-creepy-looking locale a few months ago in a blog about spooky abandoned places around the world.
Now, I'm narrowing my focus.
A friend tipped me off to an article about abandoned places in Kentucky. And this is really cool because THESE I can visit.
Among these creepy discoveries you'll find an old hospital (not Waverly); an old ship--YES, a SHIP!--which is a type of place I would never expect a ship to be; and an old mansion in Louisville that I actually think I've seen.
Anyway, I thought I'd make the Miller Lake photo a little creepier and add it to the collection.
If you'd like to take a look at these 8 abandoned locations in Kentucky, click here.