The Best Time for Your 2018 Kentucky Fall Foliage Tour
This past weekend, I decided to take some free time and do a little family history research. Thanks to Russellville's proximity to Bowling Green, I was able to kill two birds with one stone.
My dad's side of the family traces its roots back through Russellville while my mom's is in Bowling Green.
And while I planned on using two-lanes for my journey anyway, the roadwork on the Natcher Parkway only strengthened my resolve.
As I was driving down U.S. 431 toward Russellville, it occurred to me what a great route it would be when the leaves really change to their annual shades of gold, orange, and deep red.
I'll keep this stretch in mind.
But I'm not ruling out venturing east...like WAY east. We're talking the OTHER side of Interstate 75 where, oddly enough as much as I like road trips, I've only ever been a small handful of times.
Well, now I know when to do it and I have my map.
According to StormFax, it looks like those of us here in the tri-state will need to wait until the back half of October to experience the fall colors while those back east get the change in early October.
And from that StormFax website, I found a link to KentuckyTourism.com which breaks down all the regions of the Commonwealth and a fairly comprehensive list of activities for the fall.
Enjoy your road trips this autumn, the very best season there is.
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