The City of Owensboro Declares a War on Potholes for Spring
Have a nasty pothole in your neighborhood? Do you encounter the same one every day on the way to work? Well, take note of it because the Owensboro Street Department is waging war on potholes and they need you to tell them where those pesky potholes are.
Spring's version of the War on Potholes is set for April 22nd through April 26th. All next week you're encouraged to call City Action at 270-687-4444 or email to report the location of all potholes. Officials ask that you please be as specific as possible on locations, referencing a street address or intersection.
According to a release from the City of Owensboro, "Winter weather has done its usual damage to city streets. Frequent freezing and thawing cycles experienced during the winter months results in cracks in our streets that allows water to seep under the road surface. Street expansion associated with freezing followed by street contraction associated with thawing causes potholes." And, now that it's getting warmer and we're heading into spring and summer, it's time to fix them!
After collecting reports of pothole locations from the public, crews will patch potholes during the weeks of April 29 through May 10.
Thanks for your help and let's go to war on potholes!