Jeopardy! begins with the introduction of the contestants. So my attention was grabbed when I heard the announcer say "...from Sturgis, Kentucky...Sarah Woodring."

How cool is that?

Although I'm sure there have been plenty of Kentuckians on Jeopardy! over the years, before Wednesday, I hadn't seen one since a girl I actually had classes with at Western Kentucky won a couple of games back in the early 2000s.

Of course, it's rare that I get the opportunity to watch the show.

Unfortunately, Sarah didn't win. She came in third and finished with a dollar after being unable to come up with the correct response for a BRUTAL clue in the category "French Cities."

But, hey, it's really awesome nonetheless, and she got a $1000 consolation prize.

I'd take that any day of the week and twice on Sundays.


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