Abandoned Kentucky Pup Gets Her Happy Ending & Her Story Will Bring You To Tears
People can truly be cruel. This week a Kentucky dog was found wandering the streets and her story will absolutely break your heart. But we've got the best news ever!
Every single time I hear of a dog being dropped off at a shelter or a rescue it tears me to pieces. So many of the stories come with "well they just weren't for our family" or "we aren't ever home" or "we can't handle him or her" THEN DON'T GET A DOG! Dogs are people too and they have feelings and precious hearts that deserve to be filled with all the love they can handle. If more people realized and took note of this the shelters would be empty.
Let me proudly introduce you to Sunshine. Her name fits her perfectly. It is as if she is truly smiling ear to ear and about a week ago this girl had a life that was nothing to smile at.
Angel here and two Saturdays ago I was headed to a women's conference. I turned out of our neighborhood and onto Parrish Avenue which is a very busy road here in Owensboro. I noticed right away a beautiful white dog walking up to all the stopped cars in the middle of the road (the light was red). I immediately panicked thinking what if she gets hit? I pulled my SUV over and jumped out of the car. I whistled thinking she might run and to my delightful surprise her ears perked up and she sprinted towards me with that beautiful smile on her face. Our first hello is one I will never forget. It was as if two friends were reuniting after a long journey away from one another. She wagged her tail but one thing about Sunshine when she wagged her tag her whole body wagged too.
I opened my car door and asked her if she wanted to come home with me and she jumped right in. Ok, truth be told I had to help her because she is a little thick around the middle LOL. It means more of her to love. I called my husband and said "Honey, I'm bringing a dog home" to which he replied "HUH" I told him I'd be there soon.
I dropped her off and had to head back out the door. I checked in on her later and asked my husband to take photos so we could post her lost animals on Facebook.
It was shared multiple times and then someone reached out to me to share something I never expected. Her owners had moved out of their home and left Sunshine behind. Tears streamed down my face as I read the message. I called my husband and told him the sad and horrible news. Hundreds of people shared her story and commented on what a beautiful pup she is. She stay with us for a few days and really grew on us.
My daughter claimed her as her own. Sunshine loved laying around with her and watching tv. She even barked at the dogs on television.
My son, Tucker, wasn't home when she showed up so when he came home he was super excited she was there and she just loved him.
My middle son, Braden, automatically took up with her and she was all to happy to hop up on the couch and chill out with him.
My husband is just a big softly. He said no more dogs but he's never told me NO one time in our nine years together. She snuggled him every chance she got.
Secretly, I never wanted to give her up but knew I had to get her checked for a chip. Lo and behold she was not chipped. Everyone told us we should keep her and my heart wanted to but sadly one of our doodles and her did not mesh. Don't worry we didn't give up on her!
Thankfully, I have an amazing husband that always figures it out. He told me until we could find a place for our girl to go she could stay where he works.
My husband is the Executive Director of Friends of Sinners.
Friends of Sinners is a Christ-centered residential substance recovery program focusing on the restoration and reconciliation of men and women to Christ through biblical truths, accountability, and life skills. Through this, we are transforming individuals into positive contributors to society.
This organization practices what it preaches and those men welcomed Sunshine into their home. They were excited to see her and of course, she was equally as excited to see them.
We did speak to one woman who was going to take Sunshine for her mother who had lost her husband but we decided we just couldn't give her up. They understood and said they still wanted a pup.
The very next day I received an incredible message from the woman that said "God works in mysterious ways" she said they went to the shelter and her mom had adopted two sisters! She sent these heartfelt words "Tell Sunshine she helped to save two lives today."
She is the most incredible pup ever and Sunshine is the absolute perfect name for her.
While her previous owners may have left her behind that isn't how we are letting her story end. She didn't lose them they lost her and that is a huge loss for them.
Sunshine still gets to be a part of our family and also blessed the men of Friends of Sinners every single day. It's truly a WIN-WIN for everyone!
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