Daviess County Sheriff Cain is one pretty awesome guy.  To date, he and members of the community he has recruited over the years have run over 350 miles for Special Olympics.

Angel here and the first year I started working at the station I remember Chad coming into the studio telling me we're gonna run 13 miles with Sheriff Cain next week.  I think I said something like "I'm sorry we're gonna do what, when!?"  I was nervous and curious if I could make it but once I found out why I was all in.

According to Sheriff Cain:

The Law Enforcement Torch Run (LETR) began in 1981 when Wichita, Kansas Police Chief Richard.
LaMunyon created the Torch Run. He thought the Torch Run would help law enforcement be active in the community and support Special Olympics Kansas. In 1983, Chief LaMunyon presented the program to the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP).
They decided to endorse Torch Run and became the “Founding Law Enforcement Organization.” With the IACP’s support, LETR became the movement's largest public awareness and fundraising group for Special Olympics.  Known as Guardians of the Flame, law enforcement members and Special Olympics athletes carry the “Flame of Hope” into Opening Ceremonies of local competitions. They also carry it into Special
Olympics State, Provincial, National, Regional and World Games.  There are over 97,000 law enforcement members that carry the “Flame of Hope” annually. The flame symbolizes courage and celebration of diversity uniting communities around the globe.  Torch Run has grown over the years and now includes many fundraising platforms. These platforms include: Plane Pulls, Polar
Plunges, Tip-A-Cops, and more. Since the beginning, LETR has raised over $600 million for Special Olympics programs.  As retired Chief Richard LaMunyon once said, “What started in 1981...as a flicker of hope for Special Olympics has now become a roaring flame of stability for Special Olympics athletes worldwide.”  LETR is changing the future for people with intellectual disabilities.
Through the LETR and Special Olympics partnership we are lighting the way for acceptance and inclusion

The Daviess County Torch Run with Sheriff Cain is so much more than just a run.  He has created a family atmosphere and getting the opportunity to come back each year and run is such an honor.   Listening to the sheriff tell stories on the run and laugh and have a great time while raising awareness for those who he is deeply devoted to and cares for speaks volumes to the leader and person he is for our community.

This year marks the 27th year for the Torch Run and as Chad and I sat in the studio checking in we both said "goodness we sure miss it" who misses running 13 miles?!  If you ever had the opportunity to run with this amazing group of individuals you would love it too.

Daviess County Sheriff Keith Cain Raises Awareness For Special Olympics

Daviess County Sheriff Cain is one pretty awesome guy. Yesterday, he and a group of recruits finished the over 13-mile trek to raise awareness for the Special Olympics.


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