You’re Advised to Leave This Deadliest Kentucky Plant Alone
The other day something very strange appeared in the margins of my Facebook feed--strange and alarming. Read this description:
Every part of the plant is covered in silica hairs which act like hypodermic needles. If touched, they inject a venom which causes excruciating pain that can last for days, even months.
Horrified, I investigated further and learned I was reading about the gympie gympie, the deadliest plant in Australia. I was checking to see if we had anything to worry about in these parts; we don't. And that's perfectly fine with me, as the gympie gympie isn't just considered "toxic"; it's described as being VENOMOUS. Common on trails in the Australian state of Queensland, these things feature hypodermic-like needles that injects a terribly painful toxin. No thank you.
The Deadliest Plant in Kentucky
I know I've seen poison hemlock a number of times; I recognized it the minute I saw the picture. I'd imagine most people would just call it a weed; it already grows wild like one, even it shouldn't be here. Yes, poison hemlock is an invasive species native to Europe, Africa, and Asia. I'll never understand why we have so many plants and wildlife in this country that do not belong here. Anyway, back to poison hemlock's appearance. I'm sure you've seen it, too.
Here's the thing: Unlike that ghastly gympie gympie, poison hemlock won't harm you unless you ingest it. No sharp spines, no toxic surface oils. Just keep it out of your mouth, and you will be fine. Ingesting this stuff could kill you.
Weeds are annoying, but this is ridiculous.
LOOK: These Toxic, Poisonous Plants Are Grown Right Under Your Nose
Gallery Credit: Rudy Fernandez
LOOK: Here Are 30 Foods That Are Poisonous to Dogs
Gallery Credit: Rachel Cavanaugh