Friends of Sinners Planning Virtual & In-Person Banquet W/Comic Relief (VIDEO)
Friends of Sinners 11th Annual Banquet will look a bit different this year. They are planning both virtual and in-person options for guests with comic relief that everyone needs right now! Here's how you can be a part of a great night of fundraising and awareness.
Friends of Sinners is a Christ-centered residential substance recovery program focusing on the restoration and reconciliation of men and women to Christ through biblical truths, accountability, and life skills. Through this, they are transforming individuals into positive contributors to society.
Each year they host a banquet to allow the community and their supporters to get a more personal look inside the organization and meet the clients. The clients often get to tell their stories.
Unfortunately with COVID-19 putting a hindrance on a lot of activities they have had to get creative with fundraising. They will still host their banquet but also offer watch parties from the comforts of your home.
The banquet will be Tuesday, November 10th starting at 6 pm. For those planning to attend in person, it will be held at Owensboro Christian Church 2818 New Hartford Road. Food will be served Hors d’oeuvres style and guests will then move to the main sanctuary to be entertained by Comedian Ben Cecil. Sponsorships are still available including watch party sponsorships if supporters want to live stream the banquet from home.
Ben Cecil is a firefighter who has been performing stand-up comedy since 2011. He lives in Owensboro with his wife and two kids, along with a cat he hates and a dog he overpaid for.
If you would like to host a watch party or attend the Friends of Sinners Banquet contact Jordan Wilson at 270-689-9174.

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