Katrina Pruitt Honored During National Nurses Week [GALLERY]
Katrina Pruitt works on the frontline at Baptist Health Hospital in Madisonville. Not only has Katrina worked tirelessly helping those with the cornovirus, she tested positive for COVID-19 as well. All because she was doing what needed to be done, to help her patients. It's our pleasure to honor her during National Nurses Week. #HERO
This week we are honoring the best and brightest nurses in the tri-state, based on your nominations. Shouldn't we all thank a nurse that impacts our community every single day and in the most important way? Here at WBKR, we say yes. Yes we should! We've teamed up with Madisonville Garage Doors to do just that.
"Katrina has always gone above and beyond for her patients ever since she chose the nursing field. She is the go to nurse when someone has a question, or needs to know what is the best options in caring for the people of our community, that come through the hospital. She is even the one that they call to, to start IV's when others have a hard time finding a good vein, to get started. She always stands up for what is best for her patients and will question anything that she feels is not right or she knows the person needs to get better. Katrina always carefully researches and evaluates each person she takes care of to get them well, or as comfortable as possible."
"In mid-April, Katrina came in contact with a patient that no one knew yet was a COVID-19 positive patient. She selflessly cared for this patient like any other, trying to get them well, during these crazy times. As she was getting ready to leave for her regular night shift at work, 7 days after being exposed, her supervisor called to tell Katrina not to report to work, but to come immediately to the ER to be tested for COVID-19. Her supervisor explained the patient she cared for that week before, tested positive. The Hospital received the results of her test 3 days later and to our surprise, Katrina now tested positive for COVID-19. After finding this out, the whole household was in quarantine for 14 days. After she was well and had no more symptoms of the virus Katrina returned back to work at the Hospital. She volunteered to work the COVID unit and take care of the patient that are fighting for their lives. To make things even harder, when returning to work, she found out that the patient that her and other nurses came in contact with, was the first death by COVID-19 in Hopkins County. Death is never easy, but it breaks Katrina's heart and spirits to see these people pass away with no one allowed to be by their bed side."
"She will go out of her way to always make patients feel important, comforted and to know they are in the best care they can find. Lastly, after all that has been going on around her in the Hospital, our community and the tri-state, Katrina decided to donate plasma, in the hopes of helping COVID-19 patients as they test for antibodies from those who have recovered from the virus. Her knowledge of nursing, dedication, selfless love for people, and compassion is the reason I am nominating my wife, Katrina as my favorite nurse of all time! Yes I am bragging. I'm just a little proud of how amazing she is at caring for the sick and hurting!"
And. Guess what? We are super proud of Katrina too, and all nurses that are on the frontline of this pandemic. It's beyond our pleasure to honor her for her heroic service to the community. #PROUD