Kentucky Woman Denied “JESUS1″ License Plate
Vanity license plates are fun, but I've never really wanted one. Some are creative and some are harmless. One Oldham County woman found out she couldn't personalize her plate with probably the most harmless phrase.
(Above picture for dramatic effect)
Karen Chadwell was told she could not use "JESUS1" for her license plate because Kentucky prohibits personalized license plates that are "vulgar or obscene" HUH??? After Chadwell fired off an angry letter to the Transportation Cabinet, the commissioner of the Department of Vehicle Regulation blamed the rejection of Chadwell's plate on a lawsuit filed by the ACLU against the state last year after an atheist's request for an "IMGOD" plate was turned down.
Commissioner John Mark-Hack has told county clerks to put a moratorium on personalized plates until his office completes a review.