Angel here.  As a mother finding other moms who get life with you is a huge blessing.  One mom from Owensboro hit the nail on the head with her blog "‘Please stop judging me for leaving the office at exactly 5 p.m. Being a full-time working mom with young kids is not easy."

Jamie Johnson is a working full-time mom and blogger here in Owensboro.  She released her latest blog and literally took the words and thoughts straight out of my brain.

I believe every single mom can relate to a piece of what she shares.  I can't begin to tell you the guilt I have felt over the years leaving my children with a sitter or when they began school thinking to myself how unfair it is that a teacher gets to raise my child while I have to go out eight hours plus a day to be able to take care of their needs.

If I am being totally honest I have sobbed in the shower some mornings knowing my kids were growing up so fast and I was missing it.  I have had employers completely not understand that my family is way more important than my job.  They are now and always will be and in a heartbeat, I would walk away from it all if my kids needed me more.  Thankfully my supervisors get it most of the time.

Here are some excerpts from Jamie's Blog Hashtag MomFail;

“Please stop judging me for leaving the office at exactly 5 p.m., but my kids are waiting to be picked up from the sitter.

I know I’m missing this meeting, but my kid’s preschool graduation is more important.

I know I was late today, but I can’t drop the baby off at daycare until 7:45 a.m.

I know I seem distracted, because I am distracted. I have a sick toddler and I am waiting to find out when I can get him into the pediatrician.

I don’t want to look exhausted when I show up to the office, but I have been awake since 4:30 a.m. with an inconsolable kid.

Jamie was also featured in Today Parents and Love What Matters.

When I messaged Jamie about her blog she was super grateful to have her story out there and felt like it was something other moms could clearly relate too.

I love the quote on her blog page that says "Just a working mom trying to stay sane. I write about real life, and real-life gets messy."


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