25 Yummy Places To Get Fish For Lent In Western Kentucky
Are you Catholic? Do you celebrate Lent? Do you just love a good fish fry? We've got all the local Fish Fry places and there are 25 different locations to choose from!
If you're not Catholic and maybe you don't go to church you may not know about Lent.
According to bbc.com.uk
Lent is a period of 40 days during which Christians remember the events leading up to and including the death of Jesus Christ, whose life and teachings are the foundation of Christianity.
There are some rules that you have to follow if you are practicing Catholic and of a certain during Lent. Here's what Hallow.com has to say about the rules;
Those ages 18-59, in reasonable health, are required to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.Those 14 and older must abstain from meat on Fridays during Lent. Canon Law does mention that for young children not fasting, parents should still communicate the meaning and penance.
Not only do people give up meat there are a lot of people that also abstain from something throughout Lent.
I am not Catholic but I always pick something to give up or be more aware of during this time.

Fish Fry locations are super popular and here in Owensboro-Daviess County we have a number of them to make sure everyone gets their fish on Fridays. Many of the places not only have fish but have french fries and hush puppies and other goodies along with it. It's also a great place to go and fellowship with other believers.
Even if you aren't Catholic or you don't observe Lent you can still get in on the fish fry. Here are all the locations in Western Kentucky.
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